Making a Creative Organization

Creativity is there in all.  It’s just that in some people it lies latent and some are simply not interested to demonstrate it. Some might be afraid of being creative. They are afraid of ‘creativity’ interrupting their normal and peaceful lives.

These are the people that can never think outside of the box. However, people who cannot keep the creativity within often spill it and become pioneers for others.

What I said in relation to a person can comfortably be applied to businesses/companies and organizations. A creative company is the most successful one.

A creative company has an intrinsic ability to keep her employees happy and agile. A happy employee looms out the creativity in favorable conditions. So, this is a kind of chain reaction!

Making a Creative Organization

Today we hear many Indian companies going creatively. They talk about creativity in quantifiable terms. This creativity becomes visible and tangible to all in the advertising policy of the company.

We get to see some real successful employees and their unfeigned happiness. I cannot help but quote here the very creative Prasoon Joshi and his highly successful professional (creative) journey at Mc-Cann Erickson.

Companies can become creative if they are willing to crack the shell of the convention. I am sure these small things can propel the latent creativity of your company.

Brainstorming is effective:

Help your company indulge in meaty brainstorming sessions at least once every quarter. You can make use of a verbal explosive and look at the creative result.

For example, throw something bohemian like ‘Silence is not golden’ watch and hear the creative prowess of your team members yourself. Such an activity could be a break from the mundane and highly refreshing too.

Comfortable workplace:

A comfortable workplace is a creative workplace. Creativity withdraws into shell and retreats in a fearful atmosphere. Create an environment that facilitates smooth and interactive communication. In fact, you can train the recruits on such things during the induction period. At the same time let not the protocol become shaky.

Mini-tutorials and workshops:

Create for your team members/employees a very nurturing and enriching workplace. To this effect, you can see to it that mini-tutorials, seminars, and workshops are organized. These activities chisel the skill-set of the employees and they feel empowered.

They also develop confidence. They know that their knowledge is up-to-date. All these positive feelings charge the employees with positive energy and the creative potential stands catapulted.

Seek suggestions. Be open:

A creative employee might be intimidated by your stentorian tone and Spartan attitude. Please drop these cassocks if you really desire the prosperity of your company. Create an affable and congenial workplace.

Let people feel relaxed when communicating with you or sharing with you their views. Please, never hesitate to seek suggestions or feedback. Remember, all these things will only smoothen and improve your business processes and procedures.

If there are any more suggestions that might help a workplace and workforce become more creative share them with us here, right underneath this article.  We will be happy hearing from you.

Wishing you success!!

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